The use of integrated behavioural z-scoring in behavioural neuroscience: A perspective article

Ann-Katrin Kraeuter*

*Corresponding author for this work

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Complex pathophysiology in psychiatric disorders results in difficulties interpreting pre-clinical data. Guilloux et al. (2011b), proposed an integrated behavioural z-scoring procedure to improve the predictive validity of animal models by converging evidence similarly used to diagnose mental health conditions in humans. Here, I set out to give a brief review of the current methodology and literature using integrated behavioural z-scoring. Secondly, I will discuss the benefits and downfalls of integrated behavioural z-scoring and its potential future applications. Integrated behavioural z-scoring is a methodology used most frequently within animal models of depression and anxiety. Here, I am suggesting broadening the application of integrated behavioural z-scoring beyond the field of depression and anxiety to a three-step methodology to obtain disease-specific behavioural z-scores (i.e Schizophrenia index, Alzheimer's disease index) to aid translatability and interpretation of data. Lastly, I suggest integrating not only behaviour but also biological variables to create converging psychological and physiological evidence to sustain face and construct validity, while improving predict validity.

Original languageEnglish
Article number109751
Number of pages21
JournalJournal of Neuroscience Methods
Early online date23 Nov 2022
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jan 2023


  • Behavioural neuroscience
  • Behavioural testing
  • Converging evidence
  • Emotionality z-score
  • Integrated behavioural z-score
  • Neurodegenerative
  • Neurodevelopmental
  • Pathology
  • Schizophrenia
  • Three-step methodology
  • Translatability


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