The Why and How of Design-led Multidisciplinary Innovation Education: Context and Curriculum

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    This study charts the design and development of a pioneering design-led multidisciplinary innovation Master’s degree; a degree in Design Thinking. It reviews a decade of delivery of the programme and considers the contextual factors that influenced its original design and subsequent iterations. The study uses a critical participatory action research methodology and draws on previous research conducted on and through the programme in question, together with stakeholder surveys and interviews. The programme in question has evolved from its original manifestation as a teaching programme to an entity that acts as a locus for education, research and practice in design-led innovation. As such, the study identifies four essential stakeholders; students, partner organisations, society and academia, whose priorities have formed the contextual elements that have driven the programme’s introduction and development. It considers their influence on the programme design and the values derived by each from the programme. Furthermore, the study reveals the underlying pedagogic principles and aspects of delivery that have ensured that these values are delivered.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)89-109
    Number of pages20
    JournalInternational Journal of Design Education
    Issue number4
    Early online date4 Oct 2019
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Dec 2019


    • Design Thinking Education
    • Multidisciplinary Innovation
    • Design-led Innovation
    • Critically Reflective Design Thinking


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