TO:DO : collaborative experience innovation : white paper of Philips Design

Steven Kyffin, Anton Andrews, Luc Geurts

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

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    This research report describes the TO:DO (Technical Objectives: Design Objectives) process; a design research programme initiated in Philips in 2004, pioneering a creative process to drive innovation by integrating envisioned user experiences with enabling technologies. The report shows that by incorporating end-user insights from the start, the design process leads to solutions that make sense to people’s lives whilst leveraging technological assets. The project uses the creation of a tangible ‘slice of life’ demonstrator (Connected Home II) to focus the research partners Andrews and Geurts, co-ordinated by Kyffin, encouraging the sharing of objectives and the creation of a common language. The research thinking builds on; Past Tense: Future Sense, Chapter 2.15: Design research 268-271pp., ISBN: 90-6369-116-5, Marzano, S., (editor) (2005), which describes the creation and context of some of the most iconic Philips products. Kyffin worked on the chapter entitled ‘Design Research’ from his role as Global Director of Design Research within Philips; building knowledge, new solutions and emerging design. This research report illustrates how interdisciplinary open innovation is used as a design research tool to develop concepts and solutions in response to the changing world. How it has determined future strategies for Philips business development through new materials, technologies, changing markets, peoples, cultures and society. The report and the book chapter are rare publications by because they discuss research policy and activities within a commercial company for public dissemination. They introduce the notion of Design as a means to contribute and drive social and political innovation. Recent speaking engagements which expand on the thinking include: (2006) ‘Objects of Service: from subjects to objects and back again’, keynote in; International Service Design Northumbria. Kyffin was also interviewed by the organisers of the Design & Emotion conference on the topic: ‘Getting Emotional with Steven Kyffin’: -emotional-with-steven-kyffin/.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 13 Apr 2005


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