Towards Autonomy: Cost-effective Scheduling for Long-range Autonomous Valet Parking (LAVP)

Muhammad Khalid, Yue Cao, Xu Zhang, Chong Han, Linyu Peng, Nauman Aslam, Naveed Ahmad

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Continuous and effective developments in Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) are happening on daily basis. Industries nowadays, are interested in introducing less costly and highly controllable AVs to public. Current so-called AVP solutions are still limited to a very short range (e.g., even only work at the entrance of car parks). This paper proposes a parking scheduling scheme for long-range AVP (LAVP) case, by considering mobility of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), fuel consumption and journey time. In LAVP, Car Parks (CPs) are used to accommodate increasing numbers of AVs, and placed outside city center, in order to avoid traffic congestions and ensure road safety in public places. Furthermore, with positioning of reference points to guide user-centric long-term driving and drop-off/pick-up passengers, simulation results under the Helsinki city scenario shows the benefits of LAVP. The advantage of LAVP system is also reflected through both analysis and simulation.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2018
EventIEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference - Barcelona International Convention Centre, Barcleona, Spain
Duration: 15 Apr 201818 Apr 2018


ConferenceIEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
Abbreviated titleIEEE WCNC
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