Transdisciplinary Digital Art

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    This presentation discusses the recent transdisciplinary digital art trends and gives a clear overview of the on-going strength of scientific, philosophical, aesthetic and artistic research and practice that does not confirm to strict disciplinary boundaries. The term Transdisciplinarity can be distinguished from the older term Interdisciplinarity. Interdisciplinarity implies a certain level of detachment across the mediums. A perfect illustration of this is the modernist notion of interdisciplinarity as exemplified by John Cage’s Variations V. While not all art termed interdisciplinary is this radical in its separation of roles, there is a general tendency to accept a distinct line of expertise between disciplines in Interdisciplinary work. Transdisciplinarity implies a level of direct connection and cross-over between mediums and disciplines. Most recently we have seen examples of science/art crossover in which artists and scientists not only work together but assist in the others’ traditional tasks. Similarly there are projects in which single individuals assume transdisciplinary roles usually reserved for experts in various disciplines. This presentation will present short excerpts from digital artworks that cross boundaries and in which the artist becomes the scientist and vice-versa. Works shown will include the author’s piece Grand Theft Bicycle.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 9 Feb 2010
    EventTransliteracy Conference - Phoenix Square Digital Media Centre, Leicester
    Duration: 9 Feb 2010 → …


    ConferenceTransliteracy Conference
    Period9/02/10 → …


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