Truthing Gap

Rona Lee

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


    Oceanographic survey offers no grounding in questions of representation, such as mapping as an expression of power, or inter-subjective relations between observer and observed. Existing practice involves the reprocessing of sonar data to create drained and illuminated, photorealistic, virtual models, over which the disembodied eye may freely roam. Situated and ‘situationist’, Truthing Gap employed conjectural understanding, participant observation (work with geophysical modelling/mapping software and underwater vehicles/cameras), performative experiments and interventions, alongside alternative modes of data capture and making tactile cartographies, to address the role of representational vocabularies in configuring human/non-human relations and the capacity of contemporary artistic practice to re-think dominant environmental imaginaries.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 18 Dec 2009
    EventTruthing Gap - Situated interventions: National Oceanography Centre Library, Southampton. Princess Dock, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. Earth and Ocean Day, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. Royal Research Ship, James Cook, Atlantic Ocean
    Duration: 18 Dec 2009 → …


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