Ultra low thermal conductivity of disordered layered p-type bismuth telluride

Salvatore Grasso, Naohito Tsujii, Qinghui Jiang, Jibran Khaliq, Satofumi Maruyama, Miriam Miranda, Kevin Simpson, Takao Mori, Michael Reece

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43 Citations (Scopus)


Disordered layered p-type bismuth telluride was obtained by high pressure (1 GPa) and high strain deformation along the c-axis direction of commercially available single crystals. After initial deformation the p-type bismuth telluride flakes were subsequently fully densified by cold pressing (800 MPa at room temperature). As a result of the severe plastic deformation, the samples showed highly anisotropic electrical and thermal conductivities. In particular, the thermal conductivity measured along the pressing direction was as low as 0.34 W m-1 K-1, which is one of the lowest values reported for fully dense p-type bismuth telluride. The full set of thermoelectric properties of the disordered bismuth antimony telluride is critically discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2362-2367
JournalJournal of Material Chemistry C
Publication statusPublished - 14 Feb 2013


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