Understanding cybercrime in ‘real world’ policing and law enforcement

Joanna Curtis*, Gavin Oxburgh

*Corresponding author for this work

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Cybercrime is a growing issue, still not fully understood by researchers or policing/law enforcement communities. UK Government reports assert that victims of cybercrime were unlikely to report crimes immediately due to the perception that police were ill-equipped to deal with these offences. Additionally, these reports identify policing issues including a lack of cybercrime knowledge. This paper reviews current research, providing a comprehensive account of cybercrime and addressing issues in policing such offences. We achieve this by describing the technological, individual, social and situational landscapes conducive to cybercrime, and how this knowledge may inform strategies to overcome current issues in investigations.
Original languageEnglish
Article number0032258X2211075
JournalThe Police Journal
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 16 Jun 2022


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