Unlocking Criminal Law

Tony Storey, Jacqueline Martin

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    Unlocking the Law is a completely new series of textbooks with a unique approach to undergraduate study of law. From its conception, the series has been designed specifically so that the subject matter is readable - students are not overwhelmed with page after page of continuous prose. The text of each title is broken up with features and activities that have been written to ensure that students are pointed in the right direction when it comes to understanding the purpose of different areas within the course. Ultimately the accessible style of Unlocking the Law will ensure that students not only understand fully the concepts required but are able to apply them with competence.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages508
    ISBN (Print)9780340815656
    Publication statusPublished - 2004

    Publication series

    NameUnlocking the Law
    PublisherHodder & Stoughton


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