Unlocking the Gatekeepers: Building teacher confidence to engage in artist-led activity in schools

Judy Thomas, Val Tobiass

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    Val Tobiass, Berwick Visual Arts and Dr Judy Thomas, Northumbria University have worked together on the Create, Aspire, Transform: North Northumberland Schools Cultural Education Leadership Programme in four North Northumberland schools over the last two years.

    During the session they will discuss key outcomes from the programme, including; considering the transformation that participating teachers went through during the programme; unpicking how artist-led interventions in school challenges the current approach to teaching; and how non specialist primary teachers can build confidence to embrace perceived unconventional approaches to learning in their classroom.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusUnpublished - 6 Nov 2019
    EventEngage Conference 2019: Unlocking Culture: an entitlement for children and young people - Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
    Duration: 6 Nov 20196 Nov 2019


    ConferenceEngage Conference 2019
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    CityNewcastle upon Tyne
    Internet address


    • Gallery Learning
    • CPD
    • contemporary art
    • primary school activities
    • Primary school teachers
    • Confidence


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