Unpicking the Digital

    Research output: Non-textual formArtefact


    A series of four digital lockets exploring notions of memory, memory loss and our relationship to digital technologies. 'Remember' - This locket houses a large number of images, moving onto the next image each time the locket is opened. 'Forget' - When 'Forget' is opened the image inside degrades a small amount, the digital logic operates to hold onto the most precious amounts of an image for as long as possible, but eventually an image dissolves entirely and is lost. 'Daguerre' - This locket can hold only one image, taken with its connected camera, if a new image is taken it replaces the last. 'Orpheus' - This locket holds a single image taken with its camera, but it may only be seen twice; once on creation and once again when the locket is next opened, when, after a few seconds, the image fades and is deleted.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2010


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