Unsupervised Diagnostic and Monitoring of Defects Using Waveguide Imaging With Adaptive Sparse Representation

Bin Gao, Wai Lok Woo, Gui Yun Tian, Hong Zhang

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44 Citations (Scopus)


This paper proposes a new system for the unsupervised diagnostic and monitoring of defects in waveguide imaging. The proposed method is automatic and does not require manual selection of specific frequencies for defect diagnostics. The core of the method is a computational intelligent machine learning algorithm based on sparse non-negative matrix factorization. An internal functionality is built into the machine learning algorithm to adaptively learn and control the sparsity of the factorization, and to render better accuracy in detecting defects. This is achieved by using Bayesian statistics methodology. The proposed method is demonstrated on automatic detection of defect in metals. In addition, we show that the extraction of the spectrum signature corresponding to the defect is significantly more efficient with the proposed optimal sparsity, which subsequently led to better detection performance. Experimental tests and comparisons with other sparse factorization methods have been conducted to verify the efficacy of the proposed method.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)405-416
JournalIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Issue number1
Early online date26 Oct 2015
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2016


  • Computational intelligence
  • diagnosis and monitoring
  • instrumentation
  • machine learning
  • signal processing and analysis
  • waveguide imaging


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