Urine peak flow meter

Bruce Watson

Research output: Non-textual formArtefact


The project involved the design and production of a disposable ‘Urine Peak Flow Meter’ for use by GP’s to diagnose prostate or lower urinary tract disorders. Watson’s role was to coordinate the product development and clinical study, which resulted in the commercial licensing of NHS Intellectual Property. The scope of the work covered design, management and liaison with clinicians engaged in the 100 patient clinical study. Following this, Watson identified a suitable commercial partner and brokered a licence agreement on behalf of the NHS. The product was launched on the market in September 2006 and has been selling in the UK and internationally. www.nhsinnovationsnorth.org.uk/news_home.asp#newsID36. The Urine Flow Meter has been approved by the Purchasing and Supply Agency for the NHS and is being distributed to GP’s through Primary Care Trusts (PCTs). This low cost disposable product will enable patients to monitor their own health and provide quantifiable data to better inform their referral to a Urology Unit, which carries significant cost to the PCT and anxiety to the patient. http://www.mdti.co.uk/inside.htm. This project highlights Watson’s design practice research in the medical technology field. His interdisciplinary project management skills came to the fore in this collaboration with NHS healthcare professionals, University based researchers and commercially focussed licensing partners. This design drew on extensive background research conducted with a medical team based at the NHS Freeman Hospital; the findings of which were published in the Indian Journal of Urology; ‘Clinical evaluation of a simple uroflowmeter for categorization of maximum urinary flow rate’, Pridgeon, S., Harding, C., Newton, D., Pickard, R., 2007, 23(2), 114-118. Watson also gave a related keynote presentation ‘Knowledge, Design Technology: The work of NHS Innovations North’ at the 5th National NHS IP Conference 2005, Nottingham. Output number: 4 Output type: Devices and products Title: Haptic Interface Adaptor
Original languageEnglish
PublisherMedical Devices Technology International
Publication statusPublished - 4 Sept 2006


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