Usability and Impact of BIM on Early Estimation Practices: Cost Consultant’s Perspective

Dan Goucher, Niraj Thurairajah

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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Building Information Modelling (BIM) represents the formation of digital models for use during the planning, design, construction and operation stages of a facility's life. Whilst BIM is currently receiving high volumes of attention within the UK, it appears that general understanding of it is relatively low. The research has shown that BIM has the capacity to influence the way that the construction industry operates, with the focus of this study being to identify the usability of BIM for cost consultants, and it's likely impact during cost estimating. Research was carried out through an in-depth review of existing literature, to develop a conceptual framework, which was used to assess the potential advantages and challenges for cost consultants using BIM in their working practices. This research has the potential to help practitioners understand BIM in detail and how it can be embraced into current ways of working, as well as identifying potential areas for expansion of cost consultancy services, through BIM implementation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationJoint CIB International Symposium of W055, W065, W089, W118, TG76, TG78, TG81 and TG84
EditorsNiraj Thurairajah
Place of PublicationMontreal, Canada
PublisherBirmingham City University
Number of pages16
ISBN (Print)9782981335517
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2012
EventJoint CIB International Symposium of W055, W065, W089, W118, TG76, TG78, TG81 and TG84, Montreal 2012 - Montreal, Montreal, Canada
Duration: 26 Jun 201229 Jun 2012


ConferenceJoint CIB International Symposium of W055, W065, W089, W118, TG76, TG78, TG81 and TG84, Montreal 2012
Abbreviated titleMCRP2012


  • Building Information Modelling (BIM)
  • Cost Consultant
  • Collaboration
  • Cost Estimating


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