Use of geospatial data, analysis and tools in regional and local government: A scoping project by Northumbria University

Josephine Ellis, Paul Greenhalgh, Helen King

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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The objectives of the research project were to:
1) Work with Local Government, Local Enterprise Partnerships and other public sector stakeholders to identify spatial data availability and needs at local, city and sub-regional scales
2) Identify accuracy, interoperability and coverage issues to inform formatting, filtering and validation of datasets to be represented spatially
3) Develop process/protocol for creating a common GIS platform on which to share identified spatial datasets
4) Create Geographic Information Systems platform using ESRI ArcGIS to portray spatial data and test efficacy with stakeholders to refine and improve as fit purpose as a data sharing and querying platform
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationNewcastle Upon Tyne
PublisherNorthumbria University
Number of pages36
Publication statusUnpublished - 19 Aug 2022


  • GIS
  • spatial analysis
  • geospatial data
  • local government
  • planning
  • land use
  • brownfield
  • housing development


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