Using Pupil Views to Uncover Evidence of Children’s Metacognition in Mathematics

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This article investigates the impacts of using a thinking skills approach alongside pupil views templates (PVTs) in my primary classroom. This research adopted an “action inquiry” approach—combining elements of action research and case study with mixed methods, including the use of progress and attainment data; a measure of self-concept; and PVTs, to uncover evidence of pupils’ metacognition. While this case study offers some context regarding the overall research, it particularly focuses on the development of one pupil, Harry, whose metacognition is evident in the reflections upon learning he recorded on his PVTs. As such, it aims to contribute to existing literature by providing an exemplar of the reflections that can be gained through using PVTs with children and the insight that can be gained into the internal process of learning and metacognition. The case -study structure is designed to keep the two individual voices contained in this research—Harry’s, as a pupil, and my own, as a teacher-researcher—distinct and separate. They are presented in separate columns: one that contains a narrative of each case, and another that contains analysis, providing a physical separation of his voice from my own interpretation of it, enabling Harry to express himself and his experiences from his own perspective. This unconventional format is intended to propose an alternative to analyses which prioritize the interpretation of the researcher by creating space for the participants of research to express themselves in their own words.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Student Voice
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2021


  • Thinking skills
  • metacognition
  • pupils’ perceptions of learning
  • pupil voice
  • mathematics


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