Virtue and Virtuousness: When will the twain ever meet?

Ron Beadle, Alejo José G. Sison, Joan Fontrodona

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    This paper introduces ‘Virtue and Virtuousness: When will the twain ever meet?’ a special edition of 'Business Ethics: A European Review'. The Call for Papers invited contributions that could inform the relationship between organisational virtuousness, as conceptualised by positive organisation studies, and the classical conception of virtues pertaining to individual women and men. Whilst the resources of particular virtue traditions - Aristotelian, Catholic, Confucian and the like - could inform their own debates as to whether virtue extends beyond individuals, the debate between virtue traditions and Positive Organisation Studies has a different dimension. The question is whether the claims of positive social sciences as such are compatible with those of any virtue tradition. We argue that positive social science and virtue traditions are indeed rivals such that adherence to the claims of the one precludes adherence to the other. Resolution to such conflicts requires that one tradition is able to resolve questions that exhaust the resources of the other. This paper suggests that at least one area of incoherence in the findings of positive social sciences can be resolved by virtue traditions and introduces the remaining papers in the Special Edition.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)S67-S77
    JournalBusiness ethics: a European review
    Issue numberS2
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2015


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