Visualizing Simultaneity in Diasporic Public Spheres: The Case of the Mexican Diaspora in the U.S.

Gabriel Moreno-Esparza, Rosa Angelica Martinez Tellez

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This article argues that explorations of interactive spaces afforded by digital news media provide a dynamic platform to visualize the prospects for the political participation of diasporas in their countries of origin and residence. In this case, a breakdown of the frequency of comments across a variety of news sections about Mexico and the U.S. in uncovered a lively range of interactions between news forum participants, signalling simultaneous interest in on-going events and processes in the two countries. The dual national orientations highlighted by these findings ‘touch base’ with the body of literature about media and migration, which has in recent times recognised the interconnectedness of immigrants-sending and receiving societies, whilst offering a more refined conceptualization of the concept of simultaneity in regard to diasporic public spheres.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)23-40
JournalJournalism, Media and Cultural Studies
Early online date12 Jul 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 12 Jul 2017


  • simultaneity
  • diasporic public spheres
  • digital diasporas
  • political participation
  • online news forums


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