What are ambulance crews’ experiences of using a mechanical chest compression device for out-of-hospital resuscitation? A constructivist qualitative study utilising online focus groups: A constructivist qualitative study utilising online focus groups

Laura Blair, Richelle Duffy

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Introduction: Mechanical chest compression devices (MCCDs) provide chest compressions mechanically to a person in cardiac arrest. Those chest compressions would usually be provided manually. Previous studies into the use of MCCDs have focused on the quantitative outcomes, with little emphasis on the qualitative experiences of those using MCCDs.

Purpose: To collect and report ambulance crews’ experiences of using MCCDs for out-of-hospital resuscitation attempts.

Methods: The philosophical approach was constructivist, the methodology qualitative and the data collection method online focus groups. Convenience sampling was used to recruit participants who met the inclusion criteria, which broadly were to have experience of using MCCDs for out-of-hospital resuscitation. There have been two types of MCCD used locally. Participants were included regardless of which type of device they had experience of. Similarly, participants were included whether they had active or passive experience of the devices. The focus groups were recorded, fully transcribed and then analysed using constant comparison.

Results: Four selective codes emerged. These were factors directly affecting ambulance crew members; practicalities of a resuscitation attempt; ambulance crew members’ perceptions, experiences and thoughts; negatives of MCCDs.

Conclusion: The main perceptions arising from the participants’ discussion in this work were that MCCD use could potentially provide psychological protection to ambulance crew members when reflecting on resuscitation attempts, and participants felt there is an overall reduction of cognitive load for ambulance crew members when using MCCDs for resuscitation attempts. There were particularly timely benefits expressed of MCCDs easing the physical fatigue of a resuscitation attempt when responding wearing personal protective equipment, as has been required during the COVID-19 pandemic. MCCDs were felt to be of benefit when transporting patient in cardiac arrest but differences were expressed as to whether the LUCAS-2 in particular
helps or hinders extrication of a patient.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)24-30
Number of pages7
JournalBritish Paramedic Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2022


  • mechanical chest compressions
  • qualitative research
  • pre-hospital


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