What explains collaboration in high and low conflict contexts? Comparing climate change policy networks in four countries

Marlene Kammerer*, Paul Wagner, Antti Gronow, Tuomas Ylä‐Anttila , Dana Fisher, Sun-Jin Yun

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Explaining collaboration between actors involved in policy processes is crucial for understanding these processes and their outcomes. The policy science literature has advanced several hypotheses explicating what enables or hinders collaboration. However, only a handful of studies compare these factors across different policy contexts. This paper investigates the role of beliefs and influence in shaping collaboration under conditions of high and low conflict by estimating Exponential Random Graph Models using network survey data on the climate policy domains in four countries. Results show that both beliefs and influence are associated with the formation of collaboration ties in the high conflict contexts of South Korea and the United States, whereas neither are significant in the low conflict contexts of Sweden and Switzerland. By considering the level of conflict, our findings provide a more nuanced understanding of when beliefs and influence shape collaboration patterns.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1065-1086
Number of pages22
JournalPolicy Studies Journal
Issue number4
Early online date17 Jan 2021
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2021


  • Exponential Random Graph Model
  • climate change policy
  • collaboration
  • conflict
  • policy networks


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