What lies beneath? Some notes on ultra-realism, and the intellectual foundations of the ‘deviant leisure’ perspective

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In this brief chapter, I explore the links between the developing deviant leisure perspective and ultra-realism, a theoretical paradigm developed over many years by Steve Hall and me (see, e.g., Hall et al., Criminal Identities and Consumer Culture: Crime, Exclusion and the New Culture of Narcissism, Routledge/Willan, 2008; Hall, Theorizing Crime and Deviance: A New Perspective, Sage, 2012, Human Studies: Special Issue on Transcendence and Transgression, 35, 365–381, 2012; Hall and Winlow, Revitalizing Criminological Theory: Towards a New Ultra-Realism, Routledge, 2015; Winlow, Badfellas: Crime, Tradition and New Masculinities, Berg, 2001, The Sociological Review, 62, 32–49, 2014; Winlow and Hall, Crime, Media, Culture, 5, 285–304, 2009, British Journal of Criminology, 52, 400–416, 2012, Rethinking Social Exclusion: The End of the Social?, Sage, 2013). I will describe in very simple terms ultra-realism’s intellectual framework before discussing how deviant leisure scholars might use these resources to solidify the intellectual foundations of their project.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDeviant Leisure
Subtitle of host publicationCriminological Perspectives on Leisure and Harm
EditorsThomas Raymen, Oliver Smith
Place of PublicationCham
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
ISBN (Electronic)9783030177362
ISBN (Print)9783030177355
Publication statusPublished - 2 Nov 2019

Publication series

NamePalgrave Studies in Crime, Media and Culture


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