Work in progress - The real-world impact of Abbott Freestyle Libre (FSL) on biopsychosocial measures, and how this is further understood in relation to the lived experience of individuals living with type 1 diabetes: Early Career Researcher Poster Presentation

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


Aim: To investigate the real-world impact of Abbott Freestyle Libre (FSL) on biopsychosocial measures, and how this is further understood in relation to the lived experience of individuals living with type 1 diabetes (T1D).
Design / Methods: Currently recruiting 40 participants to a sequential explanatory mixed methods study, obtaining quantitative data related to changes in physiological parameters and validated participant reported outcome (PRO) measures, before and after 6 months use of FSL. Results of quantitative data analysis will be used to purposively sample participants and guide exploration of pertinent themes within qualitative focus groups.
Planned Analysis: Quantitative data will be analysed descriptively to identify trends and outliers and to understand changes in group mean scores pre and post device use. Qualitative data will be subject to thematic analysis, to explore and understand explicit or conceptual patterns of meaning. Integration of the data sets will enable explanation of the quantitative data with reference to the qualitative findings, via a joint display.
Expected Outcomes: This study will provide an overview of the impact of FSL over time, on physiological parameters observed via Libre view. Further, it may enable a deeper understanding of the lived experience of FSL to manage T1D. This research may offer an insight into relationships between the perceived efficacy of FSL, and the impact this has on PRO’s. This will be a novel insight in a cohort of NHS patients, situated outside of the clinical trial setting. These insights may deliver benefits to both the NHS and med-tech organisations in tailoring the development and provisions of wearable technologies more effectively. Further, recommendations for best practice in relation to future adoption and development, may be elucidated.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - Nov 2022
EventPSAD - RAPID conference: Research Accelerating Psychosocial Innovations in Diabetes - Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 29 Nov 20221 Dec 2022


ConferencePSAD - RAPID conference
Abbreviated titleRAPID
Internet address


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