Young Palestinians' struggles for accountability and participation: beyond formal systems and public resistance

Laura Beckwith, Reem Talhouk, Owen Boyle, Maxine Mpofu, Inga Freimane, Fuad Trayek, Matt Baillie Smith

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Young people worldwide are engaged in diverse forms of participation which offer a pathway for demanding accountability from governance actors. In contexts with fragile governance structures, young people face a unique set of challenges in their efforts to demand accountability or participate in decision-making. The expected relationship between participation and accountability as understood in liberal, democratic settings is often absent and instead demands for accountability are often made through strategies ‘at the margins’. Using Palestine as a case study, we show how young people look for accountability beyond state institutions and the national scale, using diverse strategies depending on their embedded position in society. This analysis sheds light on the complex reality of youth participation and accountability mechanisms in socially, politically and physically contested spaces and, by extension, points towards challenges and opportunities in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)201-224
Number of pages24
JournalJournal of the British Academy
Issue numberS3
Publication statusPublished - 2 Nov 2023


  • Palestine
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • accountability
  • governance
  • youth participation

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