3D printing assisted development of bioinspired structure and device for advanced engineering

  • Ansu Sun


Smart materials with bio-inspired structure and stimuli responsive features can sense the external and internal condition changes, such as temperature, light intensity, pH or ion concentration. Those unique functions have been widely utilized in cutting edge engineering applications, such as flexible sensors, soft robotics and tissue engineering. Meanwhile, conventional manufacturing methods such as moulding, and lithography-based microfabrication still represent the mainstream force in scale up manufacturing. Considerable limitations for these technologies, such as on demand rapid prototyping, the high cost and low-volume production, remain to be overcome. In this PhD project, I explored the advanced manufacturing in facilitating the complex structure, with higher controllability, lower prototyping cost and extended applications (flexible sensors, soft robots, biomedical devices, etc.). The key practice is to utilize the high resolution 3D printing technology to create dedicated bio inspired structures based on functional materials. Combined with advanced micro/nano engineering, we have achieved a variety of techniques/prototypes for future applications, such as optical control, micro-fluidic and bio-medical systems, etc.
Date of Award25 Aug 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Northumbria University
SupervisorYifan Li (Supervisor) & Ben B. Xu (Supervisor)


  • hydrogel
  • responsive soft materials
  • advanced manufacturing
  • 3D/4D printing
  • optical characterization

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