A theoretical framework for the management of knowledge as an asset within a global organisational context: Pathways for navigating Inter-Organisational boundaries

  • Colin Mark Richardson


This doctoral study aims to build on extant theory within the area of knowledge management. Specifically, the need to gain value from knowledge consumed from outside of the typical organisational boundary, consider the internal value of knowledge as an independent asset and continuous enrichment via a cyclic process. By focussing on specific elements of knowledge management processes, extant literature has not addressed gaps within the knowledge domain that bring together key capabilities to introduce an effective cyclic enrichment framework. Gaps in previous research fail to address issues on the value of knowledge as an independent asset and as part of a cyclic framework of enrichment. Extant literature has investigated knowledge as a directional flow supporting key organisational processes such as supply chain or value chain capabilities. Such approaches limit opportunity for growth in both the value and richness of knowledge. This is due to focus being moved away from enriching the knowledge asset itself and moving it onto the success of the processes it supports, thus missing opportunities to gain a richer knowledge environment. Furthermore, a lack of empirical evidence to address how external knowledge resources are consumed as knowledge assets internally and the impact on knowledge processes. This study uses a qualitative methodology to address the research environment and get a deeper insight into the research problem. The research environment limits scope to operations within the UK, consisting of 450 locations. Data was gathered using semi-structured interviews with 19 participants throughout the UK. Participants who agreed to be involved were selected based on their role as knowledge workers. The questions posed focused on issues faced by the organisation relating to issues impacting knowledge processes. It was determined that this approach would give a more in-depth view of underlying issues allowing the researcher to probe deeper into knowledge workers experiences. Findings extend the work of extant research by addressing key issues of knowledge management from a different approach than those considered previously. An inductive approach during the data analysis identified five key contributions, including a) a theoretical framework called the KSC (knowledge supply chain), b) de-coupling of knowledge from other organisational capabilities, c) capability to consume knowledge from a large number of sources, d) knowledge relationship types for the consumption of knowledge e) a consumer knowledge provider type to address issues in making the approach cyclic in nature. Rather than focusing on organisational determinants or technological capabilities, this research highlights the importance of types of knowledge providers and their associated relationships.
Date of Award1 Feb 2018
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Northumbria University
SupervisorAndrew Robson (Supervisor), Dimitra Skoumpopoulou (Supervisor) & Teresa Waring (Supervisor)

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