AI-based cyclist safety hybrid modelling for future transport network

  • Faheem Ahmed Malik


A cyclist is a vulnerable road user whose safety is affected by several externalities. The global aim of the research is to investigate the effect of critically identified variables of rider attributes of age, gender, varied environmental condition of lighting, meteorology, and micro-infrastructure variables on the safe usage of the infrastructure for a cyclist. Presently, very few works have attempted to undertake such modelling. A novel methodological framework is developed, consisting of descriptive, statistical, artificial intelligence and mathematical approaches. Accurate prediction models are developed, and in-depth knowledge of how different variables affect cyclist safety are identified, modelled, and quantified. It is found that the variables of age, gender, varied environmental conditions, and micro-infrastructure variable are critical variables affecting the safe usage of infrastructure. These variables, both individually and in combination, impact cyclist safety. Cycling safety is a dynamic variable that varies temporally and spatially. The spatial and environmental variables have a significantly varied effect on safety depending upon the rider personal attribute. As the number of safety variables that the cyclist must conform to grows, so does the risk. The riskiest environmental conditions are exacerbated by the prevailing traffic flow regime, posing a significant safety risk to cyclists. The modelling requirement of a cyclist is significantly different from motorists. A hybrid intelligent modelling paradigm is required, as demonstrated in this research. The study results can significantly impact the route choice, modelling, and planning of infrastructure. A shift in the road safety analysis towards nanoscopic modelling can help achieve zero-vision road traffic fatality. The research reinforces a need for planning and design of infrastructure to move towards a more holistic approach while considering the limitations of this vulnerable road user.
Date of Award31 Jul 2021
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Northumbria University
SupervisorKrishna Busawon (Supervisor) & Laurent Dala (Supervisor)


  • intelligent transportation system
  • mobility as a service
  • green transportation
  • intelligent mobility
  • smart city

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