An investigation into the potential of a mindful design intervention in academic multidisciplinary collaborative design settings, to reveal designer values and to enhance social interaction

  • Fernando Rojas


    This doctoral programme explored intersections between design and mindfulness. The thesis describes an exploratory embedded multiple-case study methodology where: (1) critical analysis of relevant literature informed the development a literature-supported design relevant mindfulness intervention, or mindful design device; (2) qualitative data collection and analysis methods were used to develop theoretical categories to represent designers’ evolving personal and professional values in an academic multidisciplinary collaborative design setting; and (3) qualitative data collection and analysis methods were used to assess designers' perceptions of impact into their social interaction resulting from engagement with the mindfulness intervention. A significant feature of the mindful design device is that, as part of the mindful reflection process, it generates unique and rich sets of data that reveal designers’ evolving values. The suggested major categories of designers' values in context with collaborative design arising from the analysis are: Efficacy, Relationality, Development and Achievement. Further study findings demonstrate that upon engagement with the device, designers become more aware in specific ways of, not only interpersonal, but also intrapersonal aspects. It is argued that greater understanding of what motivates design decisions, as well as increased development of attentiveness in social interactions along with other mindfulness effects, are vital for constructive mediation in design education and design practice. It would be reasonable to assert that well developed mindfulness based collaborative design skills empower designers to exercise their capacities relevant to the design task, as well as to work collaboratively with others to achieve shared goals.
    Date of Award1 Nov 2020
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Northumbria University
    SupervisorStuart English (Supervisor)


    • Mindfulness and Design Education
    • Mindfulness and Collaborative Design
    • Intersections of Mindfulness & Design

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