Building bridges: an investigation into relationship management between FinTech and SMEs and its impact on the Dutch loanable funds market

  • Aurelius Rapozo


This research project examines how relationship management (RM) dynamics can enhance value creation within the FinTech-SME supply chain in the Netherlands by addressing the discord between these entities in the loanable funds market. A qualitative study utilising template analysis facilitated the systematic identification and exploration of patterns within the data into categories and themes, enabling a deeper understanding of the FinTech-SME supply chain. The seven themes that resulted through semi-structured interviews were business identity, values and DNA, strengthening collaborative partnerships, leveraging collaborations, balancing time-dimension practices, value maximisation, strategic supply chain, and RM laid the foundation for the research project.

This research project is rooted in the interpretivist research philosophy, which emphasises understanding human behaviour and social interactions. The epistemological interpretivist approach seeks to capture the realities and complexities of relationships between FinTech companies and SMEs by focusing on the ontological subjective meanings and interpretations. By examining these aspects, the study indulges in the critical elements of forming successful partnerships, emphasising the role of trust and cooperation and how sustainable collaborations can improve supply chain dynamics, contributing to the value creation process.

Grounded in Social Capital Theory (SCT), this research highlights the importance of fostering strong relationships to enhance value creation within the dynamic FinTech-SME supply chain. Building on the work of Putnam (2000) and Zmyślony, Leszczyński, Waligóra, and Alejziak (2020), the findings underscore the significance of developing meaningful connections between these entities. By utilising SCT as a theoretical framework, the study emphasises the relational aspect in establishing long-term, value-driven collaborations between FinTech and SMEs, with trust and cooperation playing pivotal roles in driving success. These insights contribute to understanding RM in the context of FinTech-SME partnerships, paving the way for future studies in this field. By emphasising the academic value of this research, this study offers practical implications for industry practitioners and academics, setting a foundation for theoretical advancements in collaborative value creation within the FinTech-SME ecosystem.
Date of Award27 Jun 2024
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Northumbria University
SupervisorDavid Stoten (Supervisor), Satish Sharma (Supervisor) & Jonathan Scott (Supervisor)


  • sustainable business practices
  • emerging market perspectives
  • customer-centric innovation
  • technology adoption in finance
  • regulatory challenges in banking sector

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