Design and Implementation of Secure Chaotic Communication Systems

  • Rupak Kharel


Chaotic systems have properties such as ergodicity, sensitivity to initial conditions/parameter mismatches, mixing property, deterministic dynamics, structure complexity, to mention a few, that map nicely with cryptographic requirements such as confusion, diffusion, deterministic pseudorandomness, algorithm complexity. Furthermore, the possibility of chaotic synchronization, where the master system (transmitter) is driving the slave system (receiver) by its output signal, made it probable for the possible utilization of chaotic systems to implement security in the communication systems. Many methods like chaotic masking, chaotic modulation, inclusion, chaotic shift keying (CSK) had been proposed however, many attack methods later showed them to be insecure. Different modifications of these methods also exist in the literature to improve the security, but almost all suffer from the same drawback. Therefore, the implementation of chaotic systems in security still remains a challenge. In this work, different possibilities on how it might be possible to improve the security of the existing methods are explored. The main problem with the existing methods is that the message imprint could be found in the dynamics of the transmitted signal, therefore by some signal processing or pattern classification techniques, etc, allow the exposition of the hidden message. Therefore, the challenge is to remove any pattern or change in dynamics that the message might bring in the transmitted signal.
Date of Award3 Mar 2011
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Northumbria University
SupervisorKrishna Busawon (Supervisor)


  • Chaotic systems
  • non linear dynamics
  • secure communication systems
  • Lorenz systems
  • stability analysis

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