An increasing amount of research explores the adoption of Interprofessional Education (IPE) as an approach to education, training and continuing professional development within the context of healthcare provision. IPE has, to a varying extent, become integrated into agendas surrounding the development of healthcare services; influencing policy, curricula and practice within governmental, organisational and educational spheres. However, there remains conceptual ambiguity surrounding IPE in terms of what the concept of IPE may encompass and how several facets may interact. Additionally, much IPE research takes place within a classroom or ‘non-clinical’ setting and there is relatively less research on the distinction between this form of IPE and IPE occurring within a practice setting (‘Interprofessional Working’ or ‘IPW’). The current research explored the use of IPW as a vehicle for IPE within a practice setting, or, ‘real world’ context. It sought to ‘unpick’ the process of IPW in order to explore the appropriateness of a definition and working model of IPW as a specific form of IPE. Several key themes were identified that supported this conceptualisation of IPW and highlighted factors that might uniquely interact with this process such as engagement, psychological safety and wider contextual factors. The findings were discussed and consideration was given to the applicability of the findings for similar initiatives incorporating IPE in an acute healthcare setting (IPW).
- Collaborative practice
- Learning
- Training
Exploring the role of Interprofessional Working (IPW) as a specific form of Interprofessional Education (IPE) within acute healthcare
Price, E. (Author). 21 Apr 2022
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis