Learning on two campuses: students' transition experiences in a China- UK Articulation programme

  • Junxia Hou


This thesis presents a longitudinal ethnographic research study of the intercultural transition experiences of 50 engineering students in the China- UK Articulation programme. The aim is to explore the factors that have influenced their transition and the impact of their transition on the educational context on both campuses. The field work was carried out over fifteen months in China and the UK. Data have been collected mainly through participants observations, document analysis and in-depth interviews with 16 Chinese programme students (3 rounds), 5 home students, 2 international students, 10 Chinese academic and administrative staff, 8 British academic and administrative staff and 2 parents. Data were analysed by using the data analysis principles advocated in grounded theory.
Date of Award1 Nov 2011
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Northumbria University
SupervisorCatherine Montgomery (Supervisor) & Chris McDowell (Supervisor)


  • ethnography
  • longitudinal study
  • intercultural transition

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