Macro environmental challenges and competitive survival in the emerging economies: the role of dynamic managerial capabilities in the Nigerian banking industry


Purpose: the aim of this study is to explore the extent of dynamic managerial capability (DMC) deployment and development by firms in the emerging economies. Design/Methodology/approach: This study follows a critical realism philosophy, and qualitative research method involving semi-structured interviews with senior and middle-level managers in five banks within the Nigerian banking sector to generate data for the study. The interview data were triangulated with data from CEOs’ letters to shareholders over a three year period, press releases, and relevant media reports to assess the extent and how managers deployed and further developed DMC. Data was analysed following a qualitative content analysis technique. Findings: This study in identifying how economic-downturn, regulation, and competition intensity triggered DMC deployment and development in Nigeria, observed that ineffective cognition of resources related to crude-oil income stream, and government financial deposits in Nigeria banks acted as constraints to the extent of DMC deployment and further development. Attention diversity, after two critical events in the industry, enabled asset orchestration that led to firms’ level innovations and capacity building. This study also contributes to a more nuanced understanding of the communication practices enabling DMC by identifying two concepts including buying-in and collegiate systems as processes relevant to better decisions making by managers in the emerging economy. Originality/Value: The study represents an empirical attempt to highlight the significance of resource cognition and to further make a case for attention diversity (AD) in the current discussion on DMC research from the emerging economies context. An integrative model is provided to show how attention diversity enables DMC in the Nigerian banking industry, and also show that collegiate systems and buying-in are communication practices enabling DMC in Nigeria.
Date of Award22 Nov 2019
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Northumbria University
SupervisorGreg Ludwig (Supervisor) & James Cunningham (Supervisor)


  • Resource base
  • dynamic capabilities
  • asset orchestration
  • managerial cognition
  • decision-making and attention diversity

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