This work aims to understand of the nature of the magnetic environment which guides the evolution of solar prominences on both large and small scales, of which little is known. By understanding the large-scale evolution of prominences through investigation of eruptive instabilities we can gain insight into how to observationally recover in 3D key features of the torus instability. Through the small-scale evolution we gain knowledge of the fundamental nature of a rarely observed phenomena, the magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor instability, and its manifestation within the prominence substructure. This insight has allowed us to determine the likely magnetic properties of the prominence plasma. We have used imaging and spectropolarimetric data from both satellites and ground-based telescopes. Using stereoscopic techniques we reconstructed features of a solar prominence in 3D utilising pairs of satellites with large seperation angles. By developing novel edge-detection techniques, and iterating upon parametric fitting techniques we conducted a detailed kinematic analysis of an erupting prominence. We have measured the fundamental properties of large numbers of falling plumes within prominences and explained their origins through the RTI. We then supported these observations with ideal-MHD code MANCHA. We have confirmed the role of the TI in an prominence eruption. We have measured fundamental properties of plume with a large number of events. By understanding the TI we allow for the advancement of space-weather prediction. By understanding the RTI we gain insight into the magnetic environment of a prominence.
- solar physics
- filaments
- ideal-MHD
- coronal mass ejection (CME)
- Raleigh-Taylor instability
Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities in Solar Prominences
Rees-Crockford, T. (Author). 26 Feb 2020
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis