Power transfer optimised automatic matching networks

  • Reinhard Jörg Glöckner


Matching networks are widely used to enhance active power transfer when radio frequency generators drive complex loads. The tuning of the network for varying loads typically involves searching for optimum matching conditions. However, improving the matching condition of the network does not necessarily indicate an increase in active power transfer. As an example, a 71 network with three adjustable elements may achieve comparable matches for a variety of elements' settings, each matching triple exhibiting a different transferred active power. Furthermore, the influence of the transmission lines used to connect the matching network to its source and load is rarely taken into account. The purpose of the work is to optimise the power gain of a narrowband matching sys-tem in the frequency range of 1.8 — 30 MHz. The system consists of a source, a match-ing network, a load and two interconnecting lines whose characteristic impedance is complex. The optimisation process involves optimum choice of the transmission lines' lengths and development of a matching strategy. Its objective is to ensure automatic and continuous adjustment of the matching network for optimum ac¬tive power transfer to its load while matching the network's input impedance to a resistive source. The network topologies employed are limited to the most common 71 and T networks consisting of two variable capacitors and one central inductor. Losses are assumed to be mainly caused by the inductor. An appropriate simple and synthetic model of the losses is proposed which is suitable for active power transfer optimisation. The model is validated against losses of inductors derived by different works. After choosing a proper network parametrisation and exact inclusion of the losses during network design, the losses of a network terminated by a resistance and de¬signed to match (exactly) a source resistance at its input are derived. Then its power gain is optimised by a proper choice of the network's parameter and the impact of changing the purely resistive termination to impedances exhibiting capacitive or in¬ductive imaginary parts is considered. An explicit solution is calculated for networks with a constant Q factor central inductor, its differences from the approximate solu¬tion (network elements designed as if the network would be lossless) are considered. Example diagrams are given illustrating those differences and power gain contour Smith charts are drawn for typical ranges of the L, iv, and T networks' elements. Combining the results of the different approaches yields an optimum matching strat¬egy. The losses of transmission lines connecting source and network of load and network are determined, where the lines' complex characteristic impedance is taken into account. Those losses are included in a power gain optimisation of the complete matching system. Finally, an experimental setup is designed under which the matching strategy of the network is tested and validated.
Date of Award3 Feb 2009
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Northumbria University
SupervisorKrishna Busawon (Supervisor)


  • Radio frequency

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