Predicting the organic food purchase behaviour in Egypt: an empirical study investigating the pro-environmental and service-scape effect on the consumer’s purchase behaviour

  • Randa Farouk Talaat


Society is faced with increased environmental deterioration due to the current status of environmental pollution and scarcity of resources, making it a necessity to evolve towards sustainable lifestyles which pressure people to change their behavioural patterns. Consumer’s pro environmental behaviour has not received enough attention at theoretical and practical levels in developing countries. The research investigates the organic food purchase resulting from pro-environmental behaviour in the Egyptian market, with a particular focus on the service-scape phenomenon. Although the literature states that organic food purchasing is considered a proenvironmental activity, there is still no agreement on the antecedents that best predict organic food purchase as a result of pro-environmental behaviour. Furthermore, studies show that consumers have little knowledge of the link between their purchase choices and its environmental consequences which stresses on the gap between the attitude, intention and behaviour. Accordingly, this study goes forward with extending the framework of the theory of planned behaviour in efforts of tackling the aforementioned gaps and bridging them by examining pro-environmental behaving on an individual level. The research aims at bringing out new insights based on the development of a comprehensive framework. Moreover, expanding the understanding of the service-scape in an original approach by exploring the physical, social, and natural dimensions in the organic food grocery retail industry. The research contributes to knowledge by providing a solid body of knowledge of the antecedents that best predict organic food purchase from a pro-environmental behaviour perspective. Also, gaining new knowledge related to the service-scape concept and its application in the organic food retailing context. The contribution to theory in this work emerges from the development of a hypotheses tested conceptual model that offers a deeper understanding to the organic food purchase decision in relation to behaving pro environmentally and the service-scape concept. Practically, the results help diverse stakeholders understand the organic food purchasing/pro-environmental behaviour from a service scape perspective which will prosper the environmental essence in the society by increasing consumers’ environmental awareness and responsibility and hence, achieve sustainability lifestyle goals.
Date of Award30 Jul 2021
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Northumbria University
SupervisorChrysostomos Apostolidis (Supervisor)


  • theory of planned behaviour
  • Schwartz refined theory of basic values
  • sustainable behaviour
  • the effect of social influence
  • anticipated guilt and store’s atmospherics on consumer’s sustainable behaviour
  • developing countries

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