Studies of the degradation behaviour of Gamma-TiAl and Fe3Al intermetallics

  • Ali Abdulgader Aljarany


The oxidation behaviour of Fe3A1 intermetallic alloys with and without reactive element (RE) and Ti-46.7A1-1.9W-0.5Si alloy over the temperature ranges of 900 to 1100°C and 750 to 950°C respectively were studied for up to 240h. The isothermal and cyclic oxidation behaviour of Fe3A1 intermetallic materials was studied in static air. The Al203 adherence of (Y and/or Hf)-doped Fe3A1 alloys was examined using newly developed — by the researcher — cyclic oxidation rig built in AMRI's laboratory. However the oxidation of Ti-46.7A1-1.9W-0.5Si alloy was studied in air and under Ar-02 atmospheres of three oxygen partial pressures; P02 = (0.05, 0.2 and 0.8) x 105 Pa. Isothermal sulphidation/oxidation work of coated — with specially designed single and multi- layer coatings — and uncoated Ti-46.7A1-1.9W-0.5Si alloy was performed in relatively high partial pressure of sulphur (pS2 = 6.8 x 10-1 Pa) and low partial pressure of oxygen (p02 = 1.2 x 10-15 Pa) at 850° C for up to 240h. Characterisation of the specimens was conducted using SEM, EDX, and XRD techniques. Higher oxidation rates of Ti-46.7A1-1.9W-0.5Si alloy were observed in air than in Ar-20%02 at all temperatures. The scale formed in air consisted of Ti02/Al203/Ti02/TiN/TiAl2/substrate, whilst the scale developed in Ar-20%02 atmosphere was comprised of Ti02/Al203/Ti02/Al203/Ti3A1/substrate. The oxidation rates of Ti-46.7A1-1.9W¬0.5Si alloy increased with decreasing the oxygen partial pressure in Ar-02 atmospheres at the entire range of temperatures. The employment of single A1TiN and CrN single layer coatings improved the sulphidation/oxidation behaviour of Ti-46.7A1-1.9W-0.5Si alloy at 850°C for up to 240h in H2/H20/H2S gas mixture. However, the use of NbN and CrN diffusion barrier coatings significantly enhanced its corrosion resistance. The scale on uncoated Ti-46.7A1-.9W-0.5Si alloy in sulphidising/oxidising atmosphere consisted of Ti02/Al203/TiS+W/TiA13/TiAl2/substrate. The reactive element (RE) — Y and/or Hf — addition especially Y significantly improved the oxide adherence of Fe3A1 over the specified range of temperature and exposure time (or cycles). However, higher oxidation rate of Fe3A1 alloys doped with Y was obtained under both isothermal and cyclic oxidation. Although the scale thickness of Hf-doped alloy was always higher than that of Y-doped alloys, the oxidation rate constant of the later is found in some cases to be less than that of the first by one order of magnitude. However, the scale on the Hf-doped alloy is relatively adherent to the substrate if compared with the scale of undoped Fe3A1 alloy even at the areas where oxide pegs were observed on Fe3A1-Hf alloy. Generally, no conclusion could be taken from the kinetic data of Fe3A1 alloys regarding the reactive element effect (REE) due to the intergranular attack on the Y-containing alloys. Improving the interface properties by RE addition led to a better control of the outward diffusion of aluminium and eliminated the detrimental effect of sulphur (possibly present in the Fe3A1 alloys). However, the presence of the RE in the alloy led to the formation of coherent scales. At 1100°C and after prolonged exposure, the scale of RE- doped alloys was not able to remain in contact with the substrate especially under thermal cycling conditions. The external scale severely cracked especially at places where oxide ridges were formed. The Y-containing Fe3A1 alloys were capable of producing another thin and adherent scale underneath the cracked external scale.
Date of Award18 Oct 2002
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Northumbria University
SupervisorPsantu Datta (Supervisor)

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