The collaboration compass: Using grounded theory to map interactive navigation

  • Lindy Turnbull


Collaboration is central in the transformation and sustainability of future healthcare with a clear place in integrated models of care, but the operationalisation of collaborative working presents challenges in practice. There is a lack of evidence about how collaboration is sustained in the delivery of healthcare, and a deficiency of studies which include patients as part of collaboration. This thesis investigates the meaning and manifestation of collaboration, including the experience of patients and professionals in practice. A social constructionist approach to grounded theory is used to investigate collaboration in an Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT) service. The sample consists of staff and patients who have experience of OPAT. Interviews and focus groups are used to generate data, and grounded theory methods are used to progress the study through constant comparative analysis and theoretical sampling to a point of data saturation. Coding, categorising and techniques of situational analysis are used to analyse data and develop theory. The theory of Interactive Navigation conceptualises collaboration as a device used to navigate complex care situations and to direct collaboration with differing consequences for patients and professionals. The factors which influence collaboration are found to be a range of Situational Co-ordinates (Certainty, Uncertainty, Limits, Goals and Power) and interaction takes place through Interactive Mechanisms (Rehearsing, Coordination, Communication and Trust). The Collaboration Compass model is presented as a tool to inform understanding of Developing, Maintaining, Limiting and Disrupting collaboration. Collaboration is differentiated into four distinct areas and is revealed as a social device integral to the situation in which it takes place. This complexity requires recognition if collaborative health and social care developments are to succeed. The theory of Interactive Navigation presents a new way to view collaboration, and the Collaboration Compass offers a tool to navigate situations and map collaboration in practice.
Date of Award1 Sept 2017
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Northumbria University
SupervisorCarol Wills (Supervisor) & Susan Carr (Supervisor)

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