The role of architectural ceramics in contemporary site-specific art : an analysis from the perspective of the art practitioner through four case studies of commissioned artworks

  • Eleanor Teresa Wheeler


The purpose of this study was to investigate the application of architectural ceramics within contemporary site-specific art projects and architectural contexts. The research involved the adoption of appropriate research methodologies and was practice-led involving the participation of the researcher in four site-specific art projects. These formed the basis of Case Studies which followed a structure based on the actual commissioning process. The subsequent comparison and reflection on these projects highlighted key issues relating to the process of producing large-scale ceramic artwork for public places and within a collaborative context. It was found that ceramic, and particularly brick was an appropriate material for the embellishment of contemporary architecture and that its application was most effective when included as an integral feature of the building. This was best achieved through close collaboration between artist and architect at the earliest stages of the building programme. The research demonstrates the viability of ceramics for large-scale architectural features and also offers an alternative perspective to previous theory based studies of site-specific art. In addition it indicates possible ways forward for architectural ceramics through closer cooperation with industry, architects and the application of new technology.
Date of Award1 Mar 1996
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Northumbria University

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