Towards a method of measurement and cost control for civil engineering work in the petrochemical industry

  • Alan James Davies


This work deals with the formulation of a hypothetical measurement and cost control model for Petrochemical Civil Engineering work. The conventional model used at the collaborating organisation is the conventional general building construction measurement model, adopted without modification. Therefore there is a presumption, rather than proof, that this model is appropriate to Petrochemical Civil Engineering cost data. The lack of theoretical development in the cost modelling field give grounds to suspect that the conventional general building construction measurement and cost control model have little empirical observation to guide their formulation. Thus it will be argued that the reasons to employ any such model in preferenoe to any other are likely to be sociological influences of peer group paradigm practice. These sociological influences have been insufficiently recognised and studied.
Date of Award1 Aug 1995
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Northumbria University
SupervisorCliff Hardcastle (Supervisor) & Henry Brown (Supervisor)

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