Towards integrated sustainable solid waste management in Nigerian cities

  • Abibat Adeyoola Adedigba


Municipal solid waste (MSW) management in Nigeria has been a persistent problem for many decades, with sustainable waste management seemingly a long way off. MSW is often seen piled on roads and open spaces, and in water bodies, contributing to environmental pollution and human health problems. Most of the previous studies have focused on proposing technical solutions to the problem however, promoting stakeholders? involvement in the management is important. The assumption is that increasing stakeholder involvement in MSW will result in significant improvement in MSW. To this effect, 17 interviews were conducted with government agencies on waste management in Ibadan and Lagos, Nigeria, together with households and private contractors and 2 focus group discussions with the waste pickers at the dumpsite. Thematic analysis was used to examine stakeholders' perceptions of problems, analysis revealed that there is currently no significant collaboration between the stakeholders and authorities, householders and private contractors have differing views of the problems. The analysis outlined poor governance, poor enforcement strategies and inadequate infrastructure, lack of awareness, public attitudes and households? behaviours, inappropriate technologies and untapped waste value as the main factors impeding collaboration among the MSW stakeholders in Nigerian cities. These empirical findings were used to develop an Agent-based model as a tool to assist in creating an integrated sustainable waste management system suitable for Nigerian cities. The model simulations indicated that poverty is a factor in the dumping, but the hygiene consciousness of households plays a crucial role in disposal decisions. It shows residential area cleanliness influences the disposal behaviour of households and revealed that more effective and regular monitoring by waste officers across the city reduce waste dumping by approximately 55% compared to when officers' monitoring is irregular. Insights gained from the empirical data analysis and the ABM identified the key drivers for achieving stakeholders' inclusive approach in MSW in Nigerian cities.
Date of Award23 Sept 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Northumbria University
SupervisorMartin Crapper (Supervisor)


  • municipal solid waste management
  • developing countries
  • stakeholders
  • thematic analysis
  • agent-based model

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