Training and development using Buddhist teaching and practices in Thai organisations

  • Sumana Theerakittikul


Since 1997, when Thailand faced a severe financial crisis as a result of IMF debt, many Thai organisations have seen fit to use Buddhist Training and Development (T&D) programmes to change the way in which their employees work and think. Buddhist principles suggested that the crisis occurred due to the nation's mistaken focus on certain objectives, without paying attention to the wellbeing of humans. In other words, the country was absorbed with consumerism. It has been advised that focussing on Buddhism would aid in the mental recovery of the people affected by the crisis and improve the human resource development (HRD). This research takes a social constructionist epistemology, trying to understand and interpret data under the interpretive paradigm. The study explores the practise and provision of T&D based on Buddhist philosophies in a sample of Thai organisations by interviewing organisational practitioners; including trainers and trainees and observing the T&D courses. The work examines Buddhist T&D in the context of social responsibility and organisational ethics, whilst also considering the implications of its findings on the design of T&D courses for modern Thai business organisations using the content analysis method. Finally, it considers the impact of the research on the researcher as a trainer, lecturer and T&D practitioner. The findings of this thesis offer a clearer picture of Thai organisations in three areas: organisational development including T&D, social responsibility and morals, and Buddhist teaching and practises. The study is achieved by focussing on the overlapping areas of mind development, morality and modern perspectives such as corporate social responsibility (CSR) and management competency of business. In addition, the thesis explores how T&D of staff in Thai organisations can be utilised for the long-term benefit and success of staff themselves, organisations and society. It also identifies the strengths and opportunities the Buddhist approach offers. The characteristics of employees within Thai organisations are analysed along with their impact and effect on organisations. Particularly in relation to jobs, this thesis explores the ways to release anger, conflict or stress in the organisation and display good leadership characteristics. Finally, this DBA (Doctor of Business administration) thesis proposes a new T&D processes combining the Western style of business knowledge and Thai Buddhist T&D. Three new theoretical frameworks are contributed: Transformation of Learning Organisational Development and Buddhist T&D, Employee T&D Model and Buddhist T&D Policy. The roles of contributions to professional practise in an organisation as a leader and as a member of the organisation are also presented.
Date of Award24 Mar 2009
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Northumbria University
SupervisorPhilip Wilding (Supervisor)

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