Trauma-informed practice: Exploring the role of adverse life experiences on the behaviour of offenders and the effectiveness of associated criminal justice strategies

  • Alexandria Bradley


The traumatic adverse life experiences of men and women in prison have not featured within the critical victimological research agenda. Yet, these experiences have long-term and pervasive behavioural impacts. Therefore, this research examines the ways in which trauma manifests within the challenging behaviours of both men and women in prison, through a critical victimological lens. The thesis reports the findings of in-depth qualitative interviews conducted with former prisoners (N=17), Prison Staff (N=24) and Third Sector Staff (N=12). First, the findings indicate that the complex manifestations of trauma can be associated with some of the complex and escalating issues prevalent within the UK adult prisoner populations. Second, the findings recognise the way in which the prison environment can further exacerbate prior experiences of trauma and as such, trauma survivors will feel the pains of imprisonment (Crewe, 2015) much more substantially. There has been a significant reduction in safety across the UK prison estate (Ministry of Justice 2016c). As a response to the lack of safety and the growing multiple and complex needs across the prisoner population, the findings of this research advocate for a trauma-informed penal approach. The findings of this research shed light onto an under-researched area within victimology. This furthers our understanding of the complex and long-lasting experiences of trauma. In addition, the findings demonstrate that the emotional needs of prison staff are not yet being considered a prison service priority, despite the likelihood of staff experiencing vicarious trauma at work. The experiences and contributions of former prisoners, prison staff, and third sector staff collectively advocate for a greater recognition of trauma and the need for a trauma-informed penal approach.
Date of Award1 Oct 2017
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Northumbria University
SupervisorPam Davies (Supervisor) & Matthew Jones (Supervisor)

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